Thinking Indian
3 min readNov 30, 2020


Opposition ! Stop Targeting Modi . NOW .

Ever since Narendra Modi occupied office of PMO India , the opposition tried almost every trick in and out of book to Target him for everything that goes wrong or even right ,sometimes . In their pursuit to target and blame him they have made him a Single Point agenda that nation discusses all the time and have lost focus of glaring defects in his administration , which can be outlined easily .

For instance , A Faulty law passed without discussion in Parliament . The Opposition’s Strategy should have been 1 .to Protest across all platforms for hearing their concerns — Concerns of people who do not agree to his decisions and 2. To Reach out to people and point out the fault lines and how they will adversely affect their lives . But what Opposition does is As Simple as A Child who wants a piece of cake — Starts Crying “ FOWL” . So the people never get to know the real problem and they end up supporting the ideologies of their respective parties . Which automatically rallies Modi’s supporters behind him . Outcome , the heat of the matter never reaches the PMO and it ends up being a futile war of words across Media , Social Media platforms .

If at all the opposition is serious about their job , they must take corrective actions

  1. Show of strength within their parties — No Member , Office Bearer should be praising Him .

2. Social Media should be used in a disciplined manner , Central message of the party H.Q should be forwarded and talked about all day long .

3. Agenda of the day should always be decided by Opposition and Not BJP . We often see , some BJP Office bearer or some prominent supporter making a polarizing comment or action and opposition spending day discussing the same which serves only BJP’s purpose .

4. Rather than attacking , targeting Modi , Target his decision which are aften anti-people . For instance during DEMONETIZATION while Millions of People were waiting in ATM Queues right course of action was to hold large number of protests for hurting people with sudden move at almost all ATMs where people were disgruntled with the sudden move . But opposition chose to “ Target Modi by calling him a Dictator” . There are endless number of incidents where Opposition lost opportunities in their Blind rage against Modi .

5. Last but not the least — Modi’s biggest winning strategy is he is targeting the vernacular medium people . The people who watch and read Regional language News and then discuss the same with other such people and it creates an aura of same ideology . The Elite , English Speaking , Well groomed people are so busy in their lives that they neither Discuss their ideologies , nor go to vote and never participate in any political movements so even if they know what is wrong with modi and his administration they are not much help .

So Opposition if at all you want to remain significant in politics Follow the lead. Else you have always and will always end up serving the purpose of Master Thinker .

